How Does Robyn's Mysterious Friend from the Promised Land Fit into the Robin Hood Story?
By Alison Weaverdyck Welcome back to the final installment of our Robin Hood for the Modern Age series. Missed the previous posts? It's not to late to read them all. While most Robin...
Written by Bethany Baker We have all heard the usual tick-list of over-represented characters in media: white, straight, cis-gendered, male. The terms “diverse” and...
By Suleega Aweys and Alison Weaverdyck Nowadays the need for female-driven shows matters more than ever. There has been a lot of progress made with creating female-led shows across...
“Transmedia” is an industry term for stories that transcend just one type of media - be it videos, podcasts, or written fiction. Even though HOOD began its life as a TV pilot, it has grown...