This day in the Hycathic calendar marks the date of the Reckoning of 703. “Reckoning” is a form of punishment for Hycathae who break the central tenets of Hycathism. The essence of the offender(s) is trapped inside of an object, both serving as a prison and oftentimes resulting in the end of a family line. This brutal practice fell out of use in the 1600s, but was revived once in 1895 to punish the Blomgren sisters. The holiday serves as a reminder of the damage caused by conflict and the value of mercy.
Though today Hycathism is not observed by all, Reckoning Day is a day of rest in the Anglia Isle. There are specific rituals that devotees perform at the temple, but everyone is encouraged to use this day to reflect on conflicts over the past year and how they can resolve them. For some, this “burying” of past enmities is symbolised by the ritual burying of an object.
During the 2000s, Reckoning Day has also become a day when a monarch may issue pardons. These pardons are usually restricted to minor offenders and prisoners who are close to the end of their sentence, but it has also been used in recent years to spare inmates sentenced to the gladiator pits. Though some have speculated this practice has less to do with religious observance and more to do with limiting expenditures on keeping prisoners long term, those who receive a pardon are no doubt grateful.